Ce cours, organisé par l’Association Permaculture en Vivarais, est proposé aux titulaires d’un CDP (PDC/CCP) qui souhaitent enseigner des méthodes d’apprentissage participatif à partir de l’expérience de Rosemary Morrow et de la «Formation d’Éducateurs en Permaculture».
Que vous soyez déjà enseignant ou que vous envisagez de le devenir, le stage FEP est conçue pour transformer l’enseignement en un échange transformateur et amusant. La salle de classe (en intérieur et en plein air) et l’enseignement ne sera plus jamais pareil !
Alfred Decker
Alfred Decker is an award-winning permaculture designer and one of Europe’s leading permaculture educators. Since his first PDC in 1998 in California, Alfred has been involved with social movements and permaculture projects throughout Europe and the Americas. He is the founder of the 12 Principles Permaculture Design consultancy, Permacultura Barcelona and the Forest Gardens project at Can Masdeu; is a co-founder of the Spanish Permaculture Academy (Academia de Permacultura Íbera); and was a member of the European Permaculture Teachers Partnership and the Permaculture Council of Europe. Alfred holds a post graduate diploma in sustainable architecture and renewable energy (Centre for Alternative Technology).
After taking a permaculture teachers training with Rosemary Morrow in 2011, he undertook a two year mentorship and later co-taught six courses with her, ultimately earning a Diploma in Permaculture Education & Community Development in 2013 through the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute (Australia). Committed to furthering the teachers’ training platform “Permaculture Teaching Matters” (PTM) that Rosemary developed in over three decades of teaching experience around the world, Alfred co-edited her forthcoming PTM manual and organised a successful crowdfunding campaign to develop the platform.
Alfred currently lives in with his partner Daniella Querol on a smallholding in the Montnegre i el Corredor Natural Park north of Barcelona, Spain. He is available for educational activities, design work and consulting.
Eric Ydais
Eric YDAIS, 55 ans, Eric s'intéresse à la Permaculture depuis 2008. J'ai été formé par Bernard ALONSO (PDC – 2012) et par Geoff LAWTON (PDC – 2014). Depuis 2012, avec ma compagne Isabelle, nous avons entrepris l'éco-rénovation d'une ferme en essayant d'y appliquer les principes de la Permaculture et du Bioclimatisme.