
The GRAIN&SENS project has the ambition to create a place where life can thrive in harmony with others and the environment. It includes a community built of people sharing a common dream to find a more just way of living, cultivating the land and educating themselves, their children and others. Combining modernity with sufficiency, and living with awareness and kindness, GRAIN&SENS strives to nourish minds, bodies and the natural environment.

Our Mission

Community Life

- Sharing and mutulaisation of spaces, equipment, time, activities (meals, education, childcare...)

-Close support network

- Non-violent communication

Ecological conscience

- Autonomie / Permaculture

- Favorising local networks (food and services)

- Ecological housing

- Setting goals and putting in place actions to reduce our carbon footprint

Financial stability

On site activities such as:

- Eco-camps

-Trainings (pemaculture, cooking, yoga…)

- Artisanal bread

- Tourist accomodations such as AirBnB and OhLaVache

Business Plan/ Project Description- PDF (English)