Cet année, les formations BAFA des Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs de la Nature ont eu lieu à l'oasis Grain&Sens. Un lieu choisi pour sa beauté et ses valeurs proches de celles du mouvement. 31 stagiaires ont participé à cette édition !
This May, Grain&Sens had the pleasure of hosting the EDLN ( the scouts inspired by Buddhism and mindfulness) for a 3rd time. 8 facilitators of the movement were present to host 30 adults who were beginning or completing their Bafa ( a certification for working with minors). 3 members of the collective Grain&Sens had the pleasure of participating in the training ( Astrid, David and Victoria) and they were incredibly nourished by the experience- mille merci!! Since our first contact with the EDLN 2 and a half years ago, we have continuously discovered our many shared values such as mindfulness, ecological responsibility, connection to self and others and openness towards the world. We exchanged in depth about hopes of growing collaborations between the scouts and eco-communities (Oasis). If you have not yet discovered their movement, learn more at EDLN.org. We look forward to hosting our friends again soon!